Nokia Lumia 625 - Save your photos and other stuff to SkyDrive

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Save your photos and other stuff to SkyDrive
You can upload files saved on your phone to SkyDrive for easy access from your phone, tablet, or

You need a Microsoft account to connect to SkyDrive.
1. Tap Photos, and browse to a photo or video.

2. Tap

> save to SkyDrive.

3. Write a caption for the photo, if you want, and tap or .

Tip: To set your phone to automatically upload photos or videos to SkyDrive, on the start screen,

swipe left, and tap Settings. Swipe to applications, and tap photos+camera > SkyDrive.

Save an Office document to SkyDrive

Tap Office, swipe to places, and tap phone. Then tap and hold the file you want to save, and tap

save to... > SkyDrive.

Tip: You can also save a document to SkyDrive while working on it. Tap

> save as..., and

switch Save to to SkyDrive. If you change the Save to location, it changes the default location

for all files.